Monday, May 11, 2009

Windows 7 Coming This Holiday Season

Ever since the hate on Vista erupted, Microsoft has been working on their new OS called Windows 7. It was only but a few months ago that I posted some reviews on this incredibly revolutionary product. Now, we know that Windows 7 is in fact coming out this same year that the beta was released.

Microsoft Senior Vice President Bill Veghte said in an interview, "We are tracking well to a Windows 7 holiday". While suspicions existed previously that Windows 7 would be aiming for a 2009 Holiday Season launch, Microsoft had refused to confirm it, especially learning from the delays and issues with Vista.

Even since the beta version came out, bloggers and testers were screaming for Windows 7 to be released immediately as is.
With this confirmation, Veghte said that Microsoft has seen a lot of cooperation with its partners as well as good feedback from testers. It seems that they now believe Windows 7 to be almost ready for a launch, at least enough to commit to a launch in time for this holiday season.

It seems that everybody already wants to get their hands on Windows 7 now. Luckily they won't have to wait much longer.

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