Sunday, January 25, 2009

About us

Hello, my name is Bill and I'm the primary writer of TopTechWire. Now as you may notice, I tend to refer to "us" a lot and that will shortly be explained. This page is simply to show you basically who I am and my reasons for writing this blog, and a few other things.

First off, while I am the primary and sole writer of this blog, there are plenty of people working behind the scenes to help me with my posts. Now, due to their wish for anonymity, I won't mention who they are, but I can assure you that they've given me a lot of help with writing this blog, and they do it simply because they want to.
Who am I? I'm Bill, and I write this blog for the purpose of enjoying writing it, keeping up with the world, and a host of other benefits writing a blog provides, such as a possible income opportunity. But please, think not of just me, but instead think of TopTechWire, because that's who WE of TopTechWire truly are.

TopTechWire is a blog based on reporting the latest news, rumors, products, software, gadgets and opinions in the technology sector involving I.T., computers and the Internet as well as high tech gadgets and tech companies.

We at TopTechWire are dedicated to bringing the the best information from trusted sources whenever possible and also use other unconventional sources to report rumors. We take pride in providing only highly valuable information and opinions that shed new light on various subjects, and we also analyze situations in the tech world. We value the insight and predictions we make over the actual breaking of news. While we do also provide news, we analyze all the aspects of each news piece, and attempt to understand it better, as well as debate on the merits of decisions, products, etc.

You can contact me further at the following email address: TopTechWire [at] gmail [dot] com
Replace [at] with "@" and replace [dot] with ".". Caps included, no spaces.

That about wraps up what we are and what we do. Thank you all and don't forget to keep visiting TopTechWire.

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